Sunday 7 September 2014

Hypnotherapy for Fear of Driving

One of our most requested sessions is for Hypnotherapy for Fear of Driving. We get requests from clients to help them with everything from their driving test to being able to deal with motorways confidently. Fears centered around driving are incredibly common but they are not always what they seem. Each person will have a different reason for their fear and a good hypnotherapist will work with you to understand what your negative triggers are and how they can be resolved.

So when a person asks for Hypnotherapy for Fear of Driving what happens next? Well in our first session we need to identify exactly what is causing your triggers and if there are any other areas in your life where you suffer from anxiety or fear. For example if you have Generalised Anxiety Disorder your fear of driving may be one of a number of issues which are causing you a problem. Our job is to find out what the root cause of these fears are so that they can be collapsed down. In other clients we may find that the fear is generated by very specific circumstances. So someone with a fear of motorway driving may not actually fear the motorway itself but worries about coming across a bridge on their route which triggers their fear of heights. In such a case the fear of heights is the problem that needs to be tackled and not the motorway itself.

This is why suggestion hypnosis is not the only method that a competent hypnotist will use to help their clients. Suggestion hypnosis can work very well for many people but if part of the mind has another reason for keeping a person scared to protect them it will keep on with the behaviour. Where another part of the mind has a reason for the problem our Hypnotherapy for Fear of Driving will usually involve more analytical hypnosis to discover what that part of the mind is doing for that person.

Generally with analytical hypnosis we need a client to become incredibly relaxed and in order to help this process our clients are usually given an anxiety download to listen to before their session. We ask our clients to listen to this audio daily and bit by bit our clients will relax more and more so that by the time they arrive for their session they are so relaxed that we can begin asking questions under hypnosis to find out the source of their problem. This process can be incredibly quick and take only one session or it make take a number of sessions to retrieve the information that we need to change how the subconscious thinks about a problem. Usually when the underlying conflict has been dealt with the issue simply melts away.

For more information about our Hypnotherapy for Fear of Driving you can call us on 020 8351 2744 for more details. All our telephone consultations are free and we are happy to answer your questions about hypnosis.

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