Saturday 6 September 2014

Hypnosis for Anxiety in London

If you are looking for help with your fears and worries then our clinics specialise in Hypnosis for Anxiety in London. We work with all forms of fears and phobias including fear of flying, claustrophobia, panic attacks and even hypnosis for sleep. Even though many people suffer with these issues they are unaware of why the problem has started and where it has come from. Our job is to work with clients to calm down the original fear by finding the reason why it started in the first place. This requires a deep state of relaxation under hypnosis to help with memory recall.

On any initial session with a client our first job is to take a thorough assessment to find out more about the problem and when it is worse and when it is better. During this assessment we will also determine how far the fear or phobia has spread. We know that generally a person who has one phobia is more likely to have a number of others. Once the assessment has been taken our first session concentrates on helping you to enter a state of hypnosis where we can begin to use suggestion hypnosis to help the problem. An example of suggestion is that you will feel calmer, be able to breathe easier and will generally feel more relaxed when you come across your fear or trigger. Then we will send you away with an anxiety download. This download is to help you practice self hypnosis at home so you become more comfortable with the process. Each time you listen to the audio you are likely to become more deeply relaxed.

When our clients come in for their second session they are likely to be relaxing more and entering a deeper state of trance. During this session we can usually work with our client to determine where and when the problem began. This is because under hypnosis you are significantly more relaxed. Hypnosis for Anxiety in London can transform your levels of stress and take away that feeling of being on the edge all the time. In this deeper state of relaxation you will also find that many people will experience enhanced memory recall which means that we are often able to explore memories which may lead us to the first time where a problem bega. Once we understand why a person has that problem we then work with the subconscious to take away that fear.

A perfect example of this may be that you were a small child in your living room and a spider crawled across the floor. You were not bothered but then one of your parents saw the creature and started to scream and make a fuss. Suddenly you became upset as well and from that point on you hated spiders. The reality is that the spider did nothing to you at all and that the reason you dislike the spider is not because it hurt you but because your parent made you scared. Once you understand this the fear surrounding the spider can reduce and the anxiety reaction that you used to have won't happen any more.

If you would like to get some more information about Hypnosis for Anxiety in London give us a call and we can tell you how we would deal with your particular problem. Remember fears and phobias and even generalised anxiety disorder are usually very easily solvable with hypnosis and relaxation techniques.

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